My creativity is what really surprised me in this class; they suck. My coloring skills are awful, my shading skills are awful and my ideas are awful. I've learned a lot in this class for sure, but I still lack that extra creativity to make a good looking image. The image blending images project is the one I thought was creative for me. The only skills I have, are taking images off the internet and altering them. I can't draw or anything; simply drag and drop is my specialty. The assignment I disliked the most was the creature shop. Although the concept was easy; trace a creature and draw other features. When I looked around at others screens to get an idea, the already took the good creatures that were easy. So I kind of made my owning, but impersonated the joker from Batman. My skill development, just by looking at the pictures I have posted you can tell I have improved a little. My current posts are still very amateur but getting better. I am not really surprised by any of my work. I feel like anyone could do the work I am doing, better.
The picture below is Dave's Crossroad project. This project as about having 4 roads lead to something in your life of where you are going in the future, places are you are now or the past. Dave choses to have his family photo at the top, him leaving his mother to the left and then "the declaration of independence to the right". The declarations represents that he will be an independed person beyond highschool / college. And at the bottom road is a college dave would like to attend some day after highschool.
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